Kickstarter Adds Pre-order Feature for Completed Campaigns

Kickstarter, the popular crowdfunding platform, has recently announced a major update to its service. Now, project creators who have successfully completed their campaigns can take advantage of a new feature: pre-orders. This development opens up exciting opportunities for both creators and backers, reshaping the way projects are funded and delivered. With the introduction of the pre-order option, Kickstarter aims to provide continued support for project creators even after their initial funding period has ended. This move also benefits backers who may have missed the opportunity to contribute to a project during its crowdfunding phase but still want to get involved. By allowing pre-orders for completed campaigns, Kickstarter extends the lifecycle of projects, enabling creators to generate further interest and secure additional funds. This extended support system not only assists creators in driving their projects to completion but also provides a way for backers to engage with the creative process beyond the traditional campaign duration. The pre-order feature is set to streamline the process for both creators and backers, offering a seamless experience for all parties involved. With this latest update, Kickstarter continues to solidify its position as a leading platform for crowdfunding and supporting creative endeavors.

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